Laboratoire d'études du développement social de l'enfance à l'âge adulte
2013 à 2024
Lucas, A., Poulin, F., & Boislard, M-A. (2024). Late sexual transition: Achievement of developmental tasks and well-being in emerging adulthood. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, Advance Access.
Demers, H., White-Gosselin, C.-É., & Poulin, F. (2024). Relationship with parents in adolescence and social media addiction in adulthood: Longitudinal links and mediation analyses. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement. Advance online publication.
Langheit, S., & Poulin, F. (2024). Links Between Best-Friendship Quality and Well-Being From Early Emerging Adulthood to Early Established Adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 12(4), 539-552.
Lanctôt, J., & Poulin, F. (2024). Cumulative Transitions in Emerging Adulthood: Portents of Adjustment Problems or a Window for Opportunities? Emerging Adulthood, 0(0), 1-15.
White-Gosselin, C.-E., & Poulin, F. (2024). Associations between young adults’ social media addiction, relationship quality with parents and internalizing problems : A path analysis model. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 56, 61-69.
Blain, D., Poulin, F., & Denault, A.-S. (2023). Children’s organized sports participation and psychosocial adjustment: Examining associations with specific categories of sport. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science.
McConnell, C., Poulin, F., White-Gosselin, C.E., & Lacourse, E. (2023). Trajectories of Goth musical preferences in adolescence and psychological adjustment in adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence.
White-Gosselin, C-É., Poulin, F., et Denault, A-S. (2023). Social integration in the activity peer group in sport and non-sport organized activities: Links with depressive symptoms in adolescence. Social Development.
Boisvert, S., Poulin, F., & Dion, J. (2023). Romantic Relationships from Adolescence to Established Adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 11, 947-958.
Bouchard, M., Denault, A.S., Guay, F., Ratelle, C., & Poulin, F. (2023). Généralisation des expériences sociales vécues dans les activités parascolaires au contexte scolaire. Revue de Psychoéducation, 52, 458-486.
Tuot-Jolicoeur, Chevalier-Pomerleau, Ghassemi-Bakhtiari, Poulin, F., Denault, A.S., Robitaille, J., & Philippe, F. (2023). La participation à des activités parascolaires à l’adolescence : L’importance de la motivation autonome. Revue de Psychoéducation, 52, 426-457.
White-Gosselin, C-É., Charest-St-Onge, C., Blain, D., Poulin, F., et Denault, A-S. (2023). Association entre les sports organisés d’équipe et individuels et les problèmes intériorisés : État des connaissances et recommandations pratiques. Revue de Psychoéducation, 52, 406-425.
Desmarais, C., & Poulin, F. (2023). Developmental changes in mothers’ perception of knowledge, solicitation, and child disclosure during middle childhood. Social development, 32, 1075-1091. Doi: 10.1111/sode.12665
Poissant, J., Langheit, S., Capuano, F., Japel, C., & Poulin, F. (2023). Poissant, J., Langheit, S., Capuano, F., Japel, C., & Poulin, F. (2023). Barriers to involvement in parenting activities in school-based preschools in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Canada. Early Years. https://doi.org/10.1080/09575146.2023.2179961
Raymond, M., & Poulin, F. (2023). Satisfaction, intimacy and conflict in canadian couples: An analysis of change from adolescence to adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 11, 959-971. Doi: 10.1177/21676968231160580
Davignon, L.M., Poulin, F., & Denault, A.S. (2022). Organized activities in adolescence and pro-environmental behaviors in adulthood: The mediating role of pro-environmental attitudes. Journal Adolescence, 95, 284-295.
White-Gosselin, C.-E., Poulin, F., & Denault, A.S. (2022). Trajectories of team and individual and sports in childhood and links with internalizing problems. Social Development, 32, 348-364.
Camirand, E., & Poulin, F. (2022). Links between best friendship, romantic relationship, and psychological well-being in emerging adulthood. Journal of Genetic Psychology.
Desrochers, G., Poulin, F. & Denault, A.S. (2022). Sports participation patterns throughout high school and their antecedents. Applied Developmental Science, 26, 31-42.
Langheit, S., & Poulin, F. (2022). Developmental change in friendship quality during emerging adulthood. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Philippe, F.L. Gingras, M.P., Ghassemi-Bakhtiari, N., Poulin, F., Robitaille, J.., Denault, A.S., Geoffroy, M.C. & Dandeneau, S. (2022). Organized civic and non-civic activities as predictors of academic GPA in high school students. Applied Developmental Science, 27, 189-204.
Boisvert, S., Dion, J., Poulin, F., Blackburn, M.-È., Brault, M.-C., Gaudreault, M., Auclair, J. (2021). Transition-to-adulthood profiles and well-being: Similarities and distinctions among urban and remote contexts. Emerging Adulthood.
L’Ecuyer, R., Poulin, F., Vitaro, F. & Capuano, F. (2021). Bidirectionnal links between teacher disciplinary practices, students’ peer status and students’aggression in kindergarten. Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology.
Poissant, J., Bénard, H. & Poulin, F. (2021). Que savons-nous des facteurs liés à l’implication des parents dans l’éducation préscolaire et des stratégies pour la favoriser ? Revue des Sciences de l’Éducation.
Lapierre, S. & Poulin, F. (2020). Friendship instability and depressive symptoms in emerging adulthood. Journal of American College Health, 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2020.1801693
Raymond, M. & Poulin, F.(2020). Avoir des relations sexuelles (ou non) avec son partenaire amoureux à l’adolescence : Contribution des pratiques parentales et caractéristiques de la relation de couple. Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 52(4), 267–276. https://doi.org/10.1037/cbs0000171
Tessier, S., Vézina, M.P., & Poulin, F.(2020). Le capital social acquis au début de l’adolescence favorise-t-il la participation électorale chez les jeunes adultes québécois de la classe moyenne? Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 52(2), 131–139. https://doi.org/10.1037/cbs0000146
Tremblay-Pouliot, M.A. & Poulin, F.(2020). Congruence and incongruence in father, mother and adolescent reports of parental monitoring: Examining the links with antisocial behaviors. Journal of Early Adolescence, 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272431620912484
Vézina, M.P., & Poulin, F. (2020). Civic participation profiles among French-Canadian youths transitionning into adulthood: A person centered study. Emerging Adulthood, 1-12.
Brendgen, M., Poulin, F., & Denault, A.S. (2019). Peer victimization in school and mental and physical Health problems in young adulthood: Examining the role of revictimization at the Workplace. Developmental Psychology, 55, 2219-2230.
Camirand, É. & Poulin, F. (2019). Changes in best friendship quality between adolescence and emerging adulthood: Considering the role of romantic involvement. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 43(3), 231–237. https://doi.org/10.1177/0165025418824995
Capuano, F., Poulin, F.& Vitaro, F. (2019). Fluppy: Un programme conçu au Québec et implanté à travers toute la province depuis plus de 25 ans. In G. Tarabulsy, J. Poissant , T. Saias et c. Delawarde (Eds), Programmes de prévention et développement de l’enfant : 50 ans d’expérimentation (pp. 165-198).Québec, QC : PUQ.
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Denault, A.S., & Poulin, F.(2019). Trajectories of participation in organized activities and outcomes in young adulthood. Applied Developmental Science, 23, 74-89.
Desrochers, G., Poulin, F. & Denault, A.S. (2019). Sports participation patterns throughout high school and their antecedents. Applied Developmental Science, 1-12.
Hébert-Ratté, R. & Poulin, F.(2019). Facebook user profiles, personality and well-being in early adulthood. European Review of Applied Psychology, 69.
Lucas, A., Boislard, M.A. & Poulin, F.(2019). Why do socially withdrawn children tend to become heterosexually active later than their peers? A mediation model. Journal of Sex Research, 1-10.
Rossi, E., Poulin, F. & Boislard, M.A. (2019). Sexual trajectories during adolescence and adjustment in emerging adulthood. Emerging Adulthood, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1177/2167696819893550
Vézina, M.P., Poulin, F.(2019). Investigating civic participation developmental trajectories among Canadian youths transitioning into adulthood. Applied Developmental Science, 23, 59-73.
Aumètre, F., & Poulin, F. (2018). Behavioral and academic outcomes of organized activities trajectories during childhood. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 54, 33-41.
Brendgen, M., & Poulin, F.(2018). Continued bullying victimization from childhood to young adulthood: A longitudinal study of mediating and protective factors. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 46, 27-39.
Denault,A.-S. & Poulin, F. (2018). A detailed examination of the longitudinal associations between individual and team sports and alcohol use. Addictive Behaviors, 78, 15-21.
Gingras, M.P., Philippe, F., Poulin, F., & Robitaille, J. (2018). Étude sur les obstacles à la mise en place d’activités d’engagement civique au Québec. Revue Canadienne de l’Éducation,41, 661-687.
Lanctot, J., & Poulin, F.(2018). Emerging adulthood features and adjustment: A person-centered approach. Emerging Adulthood, 6, 91-103.
Vitaro, F., Boivin, M., & Poulin, F.(2018). Interface between peer relations and aggression during childhood and adolescence: Evidence from three types of methodologies. In W. M. Bukowski, B. Laursen, and K. H. Rubin (Eds.) Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relationships, and Groups (pp. 284-301). Guilford Press.
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Boisvert, I., Boislard, M.-A., & Poulin, F. (2017). Early sexual onset and alcohol use and misuse from adolescence into young adulthood. Journal of adolescent health.
Boisvert, S., & Poulin, F. (2017). Navigating in and out of romantic relationships from adolescence to emerging adulthood: Distinct patterns and their correlates at age 25. Emerging Adulthood, 5, 216-223.
Brendgen, M., & Poulin, F. (2017). Continued bullying victimization from childhood to young adulthood: A longitudinal study of mediating and protective factors. Journal of abnormal child psychology. doi: 10.1007/s10802-017-0314-5..
Rossi, E., Poulin, F., Boislard, M.-A. (2017). Individual and family predictors of annual number of sexual partners trajectories from adolescence to emerging adulthood. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 46, 995-1008.
Tsakpinoglou, F., & Poulin, F. (2017). Best friends' interactions and substance use: The role of friend pressure and unsupervised co-deviancy. Journal of adolescence, 60, 74-82.
Aumètre, F., & Poulin, F. (2016). Trajectories of breadth of participation in organized activity during childhood. Social Development., 25, 352-369.
Boisvert, S., & Poulin, F. (2016). Romantic relationship patterns from adolescence to emerging adulthood: Associations with family and peer experiences in early adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45, 945-958. doi: 10.1007/s10964-016-0435-0.
Camirand, E., & Poulin, F. (2016). Qualité des relations interpersonnelles et utilisation de Facebook chez les adultes émergents. Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 48, 101-111.
Denault, A.S., & Poulin, F. (2016). What adolescents derive from their participation in organized activities: Profiles of individual learning and social experiences. Applied Developmental Science, 42, 40-48.
Rouvès, V., & Poulin. F. (2016). Romantic involvement and alcohol use in middle and late adolescence. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 21, 104-118.
Boislard, M.A., & Poulin, F. (2015). Limites des données autorapportées sur les comportements sexuels des adolescents. Sexologies, 24, 25-28.
Vézina, J.,, Hébert, M., Poulin, F., Lavoie, F., Vitaro, F., Tremblay, R.E. (2015). History of family violence, childhood behavior problems, and adolescent high-risk behavior as predictors of girls’ repeated pattern of dating victimization in two developmental periods. Violence Against Women, 21, 435-459.
Viau, A., Denault, A.S. , & Poulin. F. (2015). Organized activities during adolescence and later adjustment: Identifying interpersonal mechanisms. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44, 1638-1651.
Viau, A., & Poulin, F. (2015). Youths’ organized activities and adjustment in emerging adulthood: A multidimensional conception of participation. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 25, 652-667.
Moisan, A., Poulin, F., & Capuano, F. (2014). Étude des modérateurs pouvant affecter l’impact d’une intervention visant la promotion des habiletés sociales chez les enfants agressifs à la maternelle. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 35, 183-203.
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Moisan, A., Poulin, F., Capuano, F., & Vitaro, F. (2014). Impact de deux interventions visant à améliorer la compétence sociale chez les enfants agressifs à la maternelle. Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 46, 301-311.
Poulin, F. (2014). Relations entre pairs à l’adolescence. Dans M. Claes et L. Lannegrand-Willems (Eds.), La psychologie de l’adolescence (pp. 185-210). Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.
Rouvès, V., & Poulin. F. (2014). Est-ce que la relation amoureuse constitue un contexte favorable à la consommation d’alcool à la fin de l’adolescence? Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement, 4, 525-534.
Besnard, T., Verlaan, P., Davidson, M., Vitaro, F. , Poulin. F., & Capuano, F. (2013). Bidirectional influences between mothers’ and fathers’ parenting and children’s disruptive behaviour from kindergarten to grade two. Early Child Development and Care, 183, 511-533.
Besnard, T., Verlaan, P., Vitaro, F., Capuano, F., & Poulin. F. (2013). Mom and dad count in preventive intervention for preschoolers with disruptive behaviors. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 28, 219-238.
Keijsers, L., & Poulin, F. (2013). Developmental changes in parent-child communication throughout adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 49, 2301-2308.
Poulin, F., Capuano, F., Vitaro, F., Verlaan, P., Brodeur, M., & Giroux, J. (2013). Large-scale dissemination of an evidence-based prevention program for at-risk kindergartners: Lessons learned from an effectiveness trial of the Fluppy Program. In M. Boivin & K.L. Bierman (Eds), Promoting School Readiness: The Implications of Developmental Research for Practice and Policy (pp. 304-328). Guilford Press.
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Poulin, F., & Denault, A.-S. (2013). Friendships with co-participants in organized activities: Prevalence, quality, friends’ characteristics, and associations with adolescents’ adjustment. In J. A. Fredricks & S. D. Simpkins (Eds.), Organized Out-of-School Activities: Setting for Peer Relationships. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 140, 19–36.
Proulx, M.F., & Poulin, F. (2013). Stability and change in kindergartners’ friendships: Examination of links with social functioning. Social Development, 22, 111-125.